
As a known leader in the industry of mental health, Dr. Karen is a practitioner of: Psychotherapy/Marriage and Family Therapy, and the very first Keynote Speaker for the American Association For Marriage And Family Therapy’s leadership symposium. Breaking barriers this Psychotherapist was the first invited relationship expert to be a speaker for the Women2Women International leadership conference where she discussed relationship health. Since the early 90’s, Dr. Karen is considered a valued public speaker. This renowned mental health professional has spoken nationally providing marital, parenting, and professional motivational and therapeutic how-to seminars and workshops which helps people to help themselves to make healthy shifts in their lives. Additionally, she has provided Critical Incident Stress Debriefings for several companies of which she tailor makes based upon the crisis the employees within these business environments have experienced. She has spoken in a variety of contexts, and tailor-makes her speeches per topics desired per inquiry. A few of the contexts Dr. Karen has spoken include: The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy state affiliates, churches, synagogues, businesses, schools (parents, teachers), college students, library staff, Men’s club, and more. Dr. Karen has also provided workshops for mental health care professionals some of which include: Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers, . . . Dr. Karen is a sought after speaker and personally evaluates all inquiries.