The Dr. Karen Marital Philosophy

The key to a healthy, happy, loving, connected, bonded, lasting, and successful marital relationship is to water the plant of marriage each day with the following:
- Make the time and take the time and do not take your marriage for granted.
- Make the time and take the time and do not take your spouse for granted.
- Make the time and take the time and spend quality time with your spouse.
- Make the time and take the time and get to know your spouse throughout your marriage.
- Make the time and take the time and pay attention to your spouse.
- Make the time and take the time and be supportive of your spouse.
- Make the time and take the time and be a dear friend to your spouse.
- Make the time and take the time to behave in a manner that is trustworthy, reliable, and responsible.
In many marriages over time the relationship becomes a business partnership. This means that the marriage gradually loses the loving, nurturing, passionate, caring, giving, and interest in taking the time for the other person – the other side of the marriage. The business partnership occurs in many relationships because it includes taking care of all of the many responsibilities that occurs in marriage (e.g., bills, children). The key is not to lose the passionate side of the marriage and have the business partnership take over. Rather, it is to have a healthy balance of business and pleasure.
A helpful technique from Dr. Karen to you that you can start using today is:
- Every morning when you wake up ask yourself:
- What is one thing I can do today to help enhance my marriage?
- What is one thing I can do today to help my spouse feel loved, valued, appreciated, and special?
- Make sure to implement your answer to your questions that very day.
- Every night before you go to sleep ask yourself:
- What is the one thing I did today to help enhance my marriage?
- What did I do today that helped my spouse to feel loved, valued, appreciated, and special?
If you did nothing today in your answers to part “A”, nor part “B”, take action right now!
- There are 3 key pieces you should know and implement to experience a successful marriage.
- There are 3 key pieces you should know and implement to feel truly connected to your spouse and your spouse connected to you.
- There are 3 key pieces you should know and implement so you can play an active role in the ongoing development of having a healthy, happy, loving, and bonded relationship.
The 3 key pieces you should know and implement with your spouse are:
- Emotional Intimacy
- Physical Intimacy
- Sexual Intimacy
Within these 3 key pieces you must have active communication with your spouse. Without communication within each of these 3 key pieces the relationship declines over time. With communication you open the door each day to a relationship that has the opportunity to grow in each of the 3 important marital areas of intimacy.
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