It’s Your Health radio’s host Lisa Davis interviewed Dr. Karen Ruskin. During this interview I focused on a specific technique for how to create, build, and enhance familial mental wellness and connection. The technique is: Quality Time! Specifically I explained the importance of including: a) emotional quality time, and b) physical quality time in your familial relationships (i.e., marital, parental). In addition, I explained the importance of the inclusion of three parts: 1. yours, 2. mine, and 3. ours. Fun interactions as well as attending to responsibilities must be included within all three parts as well as within both ‘a’ and ‘b’ under the header of quality time.
If you wish to hear this interview to receive clarity on the implementation of this theory in action, you may listen on demand. If you want to learn more about the quality time technique, or any of The 9 Key Techniques for Raising Respectful Children Who Make Responsible Choices, this cutting edge parenting book is available for purchase directly from this website where I provide a signed copy. It’s Your Health radio is heard in several states Monday through Friday. Learn more about It’s Your Health Radio.