FOX News Boston called upon my expertise to discuss the response of Janay Rice. I invite you to watch on demand this segment of: ‘Ask Dr. Karen’, if you missed my live interview, which aired on 9/10/14. On air when anchor Shannon Mulaire asked if Janay’s public response surprised me, I shared that her response did not surprise me, in that it makes sense as symbolic and text book of those in an abusive relationship. During this interview, how and why her response “makes sense” was focused on.
In addition, I was called upon to share my perspective regarding domestic violence on Wtag Radio LIVE with host Joe Sebastian, and weigh in regarding Janay’s statement on WSRS 96.1 Radio ‘Greg and Suzanne In The Morning’ as well as discussing where to find help.
During my interviews, portions of my blog article: 14 Reasons Why Women Stay In Abusive Relationships, was discussed. If you wish to learn about the 14 reasons as to why women remain in abusive relationships, I invite you to check out my article.