Alye Pollack Bullied – FOX 25 News Boston Interviews Dr. Karen Ruskin

Alye Pollack Bullied – FOX 25 News Boston Interviews Dr. Karen Ruskin

It was not so long ago when this psychotherapist was interviewed on FOX 25 News Boston and discussed the case of Phoebe Prince, a painful story of a bullied teenager. The topic of bullying continues to remain a very important topic that requires intervention. The victim, the bully, and the parents of both parties need the proper therapeutic attention to help with these matters. Now, yet again, in the news is another painful story of yet another teen being bullied. This time the girl’s name is Alye Pollack, an 8th grader attending Bedford Middle School in Westport CT. Alye posted a YOU Tube video where her words were documented on signs that she created and displayed to articulate her pain and anguish.


During my interview discussing Alye, I shared that each sign was powerful including sharing with her viewers the names she has been called, asserting that she has been bullied since the 6th grade. On one of her signs that she holds up the words are written that; she does not cut but that she is close. She also asserts through her documentation that words can kill. On one of her signs the word “HELP” is written. If this is not compelling, what is? I find it disturbing that a teen has to create a video for her voice to be heard. What was going on that she suffered so often for so long with out solution resolution? An investigation in the school she attends is currently under way. I am glad that her voice is being heard, as no person should feel unsafe in school.

Talk to your child:

Ask your child if he/she feels picked on, emotionally unsafe, and/or bullied in school. If your child is struggling and reports feeling victimized, do not be afraid to seek out help and advocate with your child. Speak with the school staff and discuss what steps shall be taken to help your child to feel safe. Let your child know that you are available to speak with if there is anything that is upsetting happening in their life.

As a parent make the effort each day to help your child to be a child of character, start this parenting style when they are young. Bullying can be prevented and parents do play a significant role in the development of their children.


I invite you to read a recent article I wrote for Pediatrics for Parents entitled; How To Raise a Child of Character. Check out my cutting edge parenting book entitled; The 9 Key Techniques For Raising Respectful Children Who Make Responsible Choices, as discussed on FOX 25 News Boston.

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