As a Marriage and Family Therapist – Relationship Expert, the range of topics I have the opportunity to answer on Ask Dr. Karen is fantastic. View this particular segment on demand discussing: spanking, husbands and chores, mother-in-law issues, and parenting adjustment.
Ask Dr. Karen is a monthly Monday morning segment LIVE on FOX 25 News Boston which offers viewers from near to far the opportunity to submit their relationship questions each month and tune in for the answers. This 3rd episode topic summary where 4 questions were answered includes:
- Would spanking your children lead to a better world? Do not spank your children is my answer – why and what to do instead was discussed.
- A husband who won’t do chores around the house and rather watches TV upon returning from work leads a wife to wonder if her husband loves TV more than she. I also share what “your mother never told you”.
- Bumping heads with your mother-in-law over child rearing? 3 steps for how to manage this challenge.
- Reintroducing a father into his children’s lives after working far away for an extending period of time is explained. Couple and parenting adjustment is addressed.