It’s Your Health Radio and Dr. Karen Ruskin The End to Power Struggles

It’s Your Health radio’s host Lisa Davis interviewed Dr. Karen Ruskin. During this interview I discussed my parenting book: The 9 Key Techniques for Raising Respectful Children Who Make Responsible Choices. My focus during this particular radio interview was to educate the listeners about two concrete techniques that when blended together is the end to power struggles and creates a child that is cognizant of others (whether you have a child with a disability or not). The two techniques include:

  1. Hear the voice of your child.
  2. All behaviors make sense in context.

If you wish to listen to this radio interview where I explain how to implement these two techniques as well as offer real-life scenarios that listeners shall relate to, listen on demand. If you wish to learn more about these two techniques, learn more parenting strategies, or learn more about implementing The Dr. Karen Parenting Philosophy, my cutting edge parenting book is available for purchase directly from this website where I provide a signed copy. It’s Your Health radio is heard in several states Monday through Friday.  Learn more about It’s Your Health Radio.

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