Two Marijuana Locations Approved in Sharon Unless…


Sharon Town Meeting TUESDAY MAY 8th at 7pm (updated from Monday May 7th) is important to attend if you do not desire to have one of the largest Marijuana (MJ) cultivation/growing facility (large half acre) in MA, specifically located in Sharon, as well as a 2nd location in Sharon for a recreational Marijuana retail store. As a mental health practitioner in Sharon and as a Sharon resident, I feel it is my duty to take the time to assure that my fellow residents are aware of this upcoming vote. As it has come to my attention that many Sharon residents are not only unaware of the date of town meeting, additionally many are unaware of what is on the docket that specifically, unless 2/3 rd’s of the voters (that’s 66% of those attending) say YES to ban the facility, both facilities WILL be going up. ‘Say yes to say no’ details below:

‘Say yes to say no’ on Tuesday May 8th means that you are saying yes to the ban to say no to having a MJ recreational cultivation facility and recreational MJ retail store. If this is a topic that is important to you, if you do not want this in our town, then attend the meeting and say yes to the ban to say no to having a recreational MJ facility and retail store.

If the ban is successful, then the proposal is that the facility will be a distributor. If the ban is unsuccessful then Sharon will have a large growing and cultivation facility for recreational MJ in MA, and will be the only town in MA to date to have 2 locations.

Background summary of details. The company Four Daughters Compassionate Care initially proposed to Sharon the following:

  • A Medical MJ facility
  • One location

Status of surrounding neighborhoods: Walpole, Foxboro, Mansfield – these are a few examples of neighboring towns who made a recreational MJ facility in their town illegal. Significant note is that it is with great frequency that the police chiefs of towns are typically against it. Four Daughters Compassionate Care’s selling point is the promise of money for the town. Experience tells us that the promise of x-dollars for the town will likely not materialize as unforeseen expenses and offsets will occur (potential examples: additional police details, additional emergency services due to car accidents). And even if money did materialize, is this the vision as Sharon business owners and home owners we have and want for our town?

If you wish to learn more about the problems of MJ, provided below are links to various topics:

  • Colorado’s results: various evidence based articles in this link from for the wide range of topics people ask about including; brain effects, addiction, traffic/injury and more:
  • A rehabilitation center providing information about the negative effects of MJ including the social societal impact:
  • Ed Gogek, MD is a psychiatrist specializing in addiction, and author. In this video he explains the case against MJ and it’s link to opiod abuse addressing why law makers and the public should not be going in the direction of legalization:
  •  Documentary video – detailing the negative impact of MJ on society, addiction, and more:
  • MJ negative effects on medical health specifically the lungs:
  • Spike in MJ- fueled crashes:
  • Statistics on traffic and accidents related to MJ:
  • Since facility went up in Brockton, MA- MJ negative effects on students:
  • Link between MJ use and psychiatric disorders:
  • Facebook page in MA to opt out of MJ:
  • Facebook page in MA- Smart approaches to MJ:
  • Negative effects MJ legalization caused in Colorado:
  • MJ effecting American’s in the long term:
  • Negative effects of MJ and legalization:
  • Dr. Ruskin on FOX New’s Neil Cavuto’s Show, discusses concern regarding MJ:

Say yes to the ban to say no to having two Marijuana locations in Sharon: one of the largest MJ recreational cultivation/growing facility in MA in Sharon and a recreational MJ retail store in Sharon by attending town meeting on Tuesday May 8th at 7pm. Both locations WILL be going up in Sharon, unless 2/3rds of a vote defeat it, thus your vote truly counts. Spread the word if this matters to you.

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