Social Media is here to stay! Wellness For The Real World Dr. Veronica Anderson shall interview your very own, Dr. Karen Ruskin, Psychotherapist and relationship expert (author The 9 Key Techniques) and soon to be released; Dr. Karen’s Marriage Manual, along with a fantastic line up of guests including: former Eminem bodyguard Byron Williams (bestselling author Shady Bizzness); cyber-dating expert Julie Spira (bestselling author The Perils of Cyber-Dating); relationship coach Julie Orlov (author The Pathway to Love); and award-winning author Robert Redinger (The Sylvan Horn).
Sexting, Facebook, Twitter, Chat rooms . . . Do we need to redefine “morality”? The question many ask is; “If a person has an erotic exchange with someone they’ve never met, is that cheating”? Tune in on Tuesday June 21st, this panel discussion shall air live from 8 PM – 9 PM, or you may listen on demand: Wellness For The Real World with Dr. Veronica on blog talk radio.