Coping With Menopause

Aimee Claire is a freelance writer fascinated by modern medicine and what it can do for patients. Upon her requested submission to write an article about coping with menopause for the Dr. Karen Ruskin blog, I, Dr. Karen approved. As this article is informative for my readers, I invite you to read below this article entitled: Coping With Menopause.

Coping With Menopause

By Aimee Claire

Some women embrace menopause as a time of change and re-evaluation, while others dread the ticking of their biological clock and recognize that the advent of the menopause also heralds a natural change in their fertility. 


Menopause affects women in very different ways. Some really suffer at this time and endure night sweats, hot flashes and insomnia and may have difficulty coping with their emotions; all of which is quite normal. After all, the body is undergoing massive hormonal changes; the ovaries produce far less estrogen and progesterone, hormones that are essential for fertility, but are not needed once the menstrual cycles ceases and the woman is no longer able to bear children. Sometimes referred to as ‘the change’ this cycle in a woman’s life can be difficult and the importance of discussing what is happening can never be overestimated. Talking to older women can provide real comfort and help for what is certainly a confusing time.


There are many different techniques for dealing with menopause; some women do not seem to have any side effects at all, whereas others find that continuing with everyday tasks becomes a constant battle. The first thing a woman should do if she feels she is approaching this time of bodily change is to visit her healthcare practitioner and take a blood test. This will measure the body’s hormonal levels and also offer an opportunity to discuss with her doctor some of the ways of dealing with the more dramatic changes that occur during menopause. Medication should only be considered as a last resort and a quick online search will provide plenty of information about current Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT). Canada Drugs is one of the many companies that can provide the necessary MHT should a woman feel that she needs extra help to cope with some of the more extreme menopausal symptoms. This medication boosts the supply of estrogen and progesterone and will alleviate some of the more extreme symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia.


Many women try to deal with the side effects themselves before opting for prescription medication. Yoga and meditation are widely recommended; a few moments of calm at the start of the day is always a good idea for any woman of any age group, but if this calm follows on the heels of a restless and uncomfortable night the practice can bring focus to the rest of the day. It is essential that women drink more water during this time in order to re-hydrate themselves. As the body is more responsive to extremes of temperature during this time of change, it is advisable to turn down the thermostat, stay away from hot and spicy foods and try to avoid alcohol. Some women strongly recomend Evening Primrose Oil and Vitamin E supplements during the menopause. Vitamin E is beneficial for detoxification and Evening Primrose Oil is used throughout the world to provide a genuine relief for hot flashes. Most importantly, if the symptoms become overwhelming it may be worth going to talk to a counselor, ‘a problem shared really is a problem halved.’

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