As a participant in the movie: Clinton Inc., I am pleased to announce: Friday, October 19, 2018, the movie releases to buy or rent on the platforms: Amazon, Apple’s iTunes, Dish, Google Play/YouTube, Microsoft’s XBOX, Steam, and Walmart’s VUDU.
Movie Synopsis: The true story of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s political alliance, business partnership, and unique marriage. This non-partisan documentary goes behind closed doors to reveal the making of an American dynasty. Based on the New York Times bestseller, biographers, close confidants, political insiders from the left, right and center and an expert in marriage and relationship dynamics (that’s me), answer key questions,
“How does the Clinton marriage work? Are Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton guided by love, ambition, charity or greed?”
Varied Perspectives:
I feel quite privileged to have been asked to participate in Clinton, Inc. The Movie to provide my expertise, and it was a true honor to volunteer my time providing commentary throughout this documentary. I provided commentary not from a political angle nor from a political lens. Specifically, I provided perspective from a relational marital observational lens.
Whatever side of the political isle one is on, we can all agree that Bill and Hillary Clinton may be referred to as a power couple. A movie documentary that provides it’s audience with the story of Bill and Hillary as individuals, their political alliance, business partnership, and marriage, with commentary and observations woven throughout the movie from various esteemed professionals makes for an interesting movie. As each person who starred in this movie, including myself, have our own lens, our own perspectives. Which is what makes this movie both informative and stimulating for the viewer, in my humble opinion.
The Clinton’s political alliance remains, even though they have experienced much reported rocky roads throughout their marriage. Their marriage has remained, through much publicly observed marital trauma (e.g., repeated cases of infidelity). They are what may be deemed as a business, a partnership, in essence; a business partnership, and a powerful business partnership at that. A brand? AKA Clinton, Inc. Most certainly.
The Clinton’s are not the first marital couple to navigate challenging and rocky waters. Nor will they be the last. In my work with couples as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I will share with you that it is not uncommon for couples to report feeling like their particular challenges, their pain, their trauma, is insurmountable, and thus can never be worked through. I share with my couple clientele that when married long enough, it’s not whether they will experience challenges. Rather, know they will. To date I have not personally met the Clintons, thus, like many of you we cannot know with certainty what goes on behind closed doors. With that said, I, like many of you, have observed through the years their journey that has been exposed to the public. As such, through the lens of a Marriage Therapist to have had the opportunity to share my observations and commentary throughout Clinton, Inc. The Movie, is truly something I am proud to have participated in.
Clinton, Inc. The Movie is a documentary produced by Doug Sain who is best known as the producer of ‘2016 Obama’s America’ and based on author Daniel Halper’s New York Times best selling book. The writer/director for Clinton, Inc. The Movie is Bill Baber.
Learn More About The Movie:
If you are interested in learning more about the cast in the movie, the movie itself, and behind the scenes during filming, I invite you to checkout my earlier blog articles:
- Clinton Inc. – The Cast
- Clinton Inc. – About the Movie
- Clinton Inc. – Behind the Scenes of the Movie
View The Trailer:
Since the movie’s limited release in theaters back in September 2016, I received much inquiry as to when it will be made available for expanded viewing. I am so excited to report that Clinton, Inc. The Movie is being released for rent or to buy as of October 19, 2018. I invite you to view: Clinton Inc. The Movie official trailer.