Blog Posts

Nesting – Separated But Living Under One Roof
As a marriage and family therapist for 20+ years, I have found that the past 3 or so years I have seen more ‘nesting’ families, then I did years ago.
Photographer Captures Subjects Insecurities For Exhibit
The Boston Globe’s Deborah Kotz interviewed this Psychotherapist; Dr. Karen Ruskin, to weigh in on: Photographer Captures Subjects Insecurities For Exhibit. I invite you to check out this interesting article.
Ask Dr Karen- Studies On Romance, Religion Vs. Love, Marry Me, Family Dysfunction
This morning’s ‘Ask Dr. Karen’ segment on FOX News Boston covered 2 new studies on romance as well as answered viewers questions. Religion vs. love, marry me, and family dysfunction were
Is Health And Happiness Affected By A Spouse’s Time At Work?
A research study printed in the Journal Social Forces entitled: ‘Is Health Affected By A Spouse’s Time At Work? ‘ explains that physical health is affected by a spouse’s time at work.
Obama’s Marijuana Comment Sparks Debate- Psychotherapist With Neil Cavuto- It’s Dangerous!
President Obama’s comments regarding marijuana, as he compared it to smoking cigarettes and stating that it is no more dangerous than alcohol “in terms of its impact on the individual
Wendy Williams On Air Cry – Is It Normal For Kids To Have A Favorite Parent?
ABC’s Good Morning America called upon my expertise as a Family Therapist to weigh in on talk show host Wendy Williams on air cry. Specifically she shared with her viewers
Parenting Tips To Un-Spoil Your Kids
Parents Magazine writer Denise Schipani and Family Therapist/Parenting Expert Dr. Karen Ruskin discussed tips for how parents can un-spoil their kids. If you are interested in this topic, check out
Marriage Tips For Engaged And Newlywed Couples
Boston Magazine’s – Boston Weddings, called upon this Marriage Therapist and Relationship Expert to provide concrete marriage tips for engaged and newlywed couples for their Spring/Summer 2014 issue. I invite
Mom Cyber Shames Daughter For Online Bullying
During an interview with Yahoo!Shine, I shared my insight and tips regarding a timely news story where a mother cyber shamed her daughter for online bullying. I invite you to