Blog Posts
What Age Is OK To Leave Children Unsupervised?
At what age is it OK to leave your children unsupervised? With varied stories of children being left unsupervised getting marked attention in the news as of late, FOX Evening
Obesity In Adulthood Linked To Parenting?
Can obesity in adulthood be linked to parenting? A much talked about video displays the connection between parenting patterns of one’s children into whom they become as adults, with specific
Kids And Technology – Long Car Rides
Kids and technology – many debate regarding quality and quantity. The age of children and how long they should have their eyes looking at a screen is often in question.
Beyonce’s Choice To Leave Jay Z Tied To Being A Role Model As A Mother?
It is not uncommon for a woman to leave her husband who has cheated on her reporting that she feels the message it sends to her child if she stays
Falling Out Of Love – Ask Dr Karen
Falling out of love was today’s topic on ‘Ask Dr. Karen’ on FOX News Boston. When traits you used to love about your partner now drives you nuts, was discussed. Examples
Spouse’s Trait You Loved Now Drives You Nuts – WSJ W/ Dr Karen Ruskin
The traits that first attracted us to our mates and over time drive us nuts, is not an uncommon problem. The Wall Street Journal’s columnist Elizabeth Bernstein’s article in print
Children Overexposed on Reality TV
Star Magazine called upon my expertise as a Family Therapist and Parenting Expert to weigh in on the topic of children on reality TV. I invite you to check out
MTV’s Virgin Territory – Episode 1 Psychoanalyzed
MTV’s newest docu-series TV show: ‘Virgin Territory’ aired this week on it’s currently scheduled weekly slot of Wed nights 11/10C PM. It has received a mixed reaction of emotions in
Tips For A Healthy Marriage
Would you like some practical tips for a healthy marriage? If the answer is yes, you are certainly not alone. Community Forum – Stoughton Media Access TV requested my insights