Blog Posts
Violence in Malls- Interview on Hannity
Psychotherapist Dr. Karen Ruskin on Hannity interviewed by Mark Steyn explains the recent violence in malls is not simply a case of holiday chaos. This cutting edge mental health expert
Marriage is on the Decline
Marriage is on the decline. We see it around us everyday; divorce, divorce, divorce. “Barely half of all adults in the United Sates- a record low- are currently married”. Imagine this
PEW Research Reports Married Couples at Record Low
This marriage therapist and relationship expert for 18 years has the answer as to why married couples are at a record low and it is not the easy answer often
True Intentions: Not Revealed Until Matched
Can you imagine a world where with just the click of a button you can tell someone you like them, find them attractive, would like to have dinner with them,
Politicians and Infidelity – Is Cheating Preventable?
Politicians, celebrities, and infidelity, are these three words now a constant or have they always gone hand in hand for far too many? Is cheating preventable? Who is the current
Politicians and Marital Affairs- Should it Matter?
As a marriage and relationship expert I am often interviewed by various media outlets for my insights. Katherine Weber, writer for The Christian Post interviewed this psychotherapist for an article
Coping Tools To Keep Your Family From Ruining The Holidays
There are many who need concrete coping tools to keep their family from ruining the holidays. This blog article offers just that. TIME journalist Meredith Melnick interviewed family and relationship
Social Media Attention: Negative Online Reviews and O’Reilly Reaction
Two days ago, November 18th 2011 was the one month anniversary of this psychotherapist’s appearance on The O’Reilly Factor where I had the wonderful opportunity to share my insights from
Secondary Infertility – A Therapist’s View Point
Secondary infertility from a therapist’s viewpoint, this marriage and family therapist, is that it is a silent and traumatic pain. When it comes to primary or secondary infertility, women and