Blog Posts

America’s Bullying Crisis
All this week Anderson Cooper has provided his viewers with a special series on bullying. I am very glad that this matter is receiving attention, as it is an important topic
Anti-Wall Street Protests Mental Health Expert Speaks
Anti-Wall Street Protests, good grief! As a mental health expert I am extremely concerned from the mental health perspective about the anti-wall street protests. I find it seriously disturbing clinically!
Wall Street Journal and Marriage – Expert’s Tips
Putting the Honey Back in’Honey, I’m Home’ is the name of an article published in The Wall Street Journal last week, the topic referred to marriage. This relationship expert agrees
Open Relationships – Expert Advice
Open Relationships: Partners, Threesome, Swinging, Polyamory and/or Including Any Additional Partner In Your Sexual Marital Relationship No, the answer is NO – DO NOT, I repeat in capital letters: DO
Controversial Costume “Anna Rexia” Sparks Debate
Controversial costume sparks debate. Is the costume called: “Anna Rexia” symbolic for the lack of sensitivity for those with mental illness? Can this costume be used for some as a
Jihad, The Criminal Mind – FOX News Boston w Dr. Karen Ruskin
Jihad, the criminal mind, religion, radical philosophy, terrorism – hot topics in the news. This morning on FOX 25 News Boston Elizabeth Hopkins interviews this go-to mental health expert Dr.
Facebook Page- Relationship Expert Offers Free Marriage Manual
The first 100 people to become followers of Dr. Karen Ruskin’s Professional Facebook page will be entered into a random drawing to receive Dr. Karen’s newest cutting edge book: Dr.
Relationship Expert Professional Facebook Page
The relationship expert, Dr. Karen Ruskin now has a professional Facebook Page. Become a fan by clicking on this link and then click the word “like”. Dr. Karen offers concrete
Democrats vs. Republicans – Mental Health/Wellness Philosophy
This article is not the typical article discussing the difference between health care policies of the two political parties. Nor is this an article examining why constituents of one party