Blog Posts
Giuliana Rancic – Eating Disorder or Just Extremely Thin?
There’s been much talk in the tabloids as of late about Giuliana Rancic’s extremely thin frame. The pictures the public sees of her is an opportunity for mental health professionals
Pay Attention To Your Spouse ‘Unplug’ – Relationship Tips
In a world where we are plugged in 24/7; from Facebook to Twitter to texting to emails… paying attention to your spouse, to your mate, any relationship you are in
Surprise Family Reunions
Surprise family reunions- and the joy of that very experience was the topic I was asked to weigh in on HUFF Post LIVE 12/1/14. Viewers had the opportunity to hear
Inspiring Motivational Quotes – Mental Health and Positive Thinking
If you are looking for inspiring motivational quotes that can help you to help yourself make real life long term shifts – look no further. As a Psychotherapist/Marriage and Family
Polyamory Vs Monogamy – The Debate called upon my experience as a Marriage Therapist to share my insights on the topic of polyamory vs monogamy. It seems as though there is a debate with some
Private Practice Job Opening Massachusetts – Mental Health
Job Opportunity – Psychotherapist In Private Practice – Massachusetts Posted on 10/25/14 Dr. Karen Ruskin & Associates is expanding! With our growth we have added more offices here in Sharon
Text Therapy Instead Of In Office Therapy?
Text therapy is just what it sounds like, yup, you text your thoughts and a therapist responds via text. The question is: is that as therapeutic as in office therapy?
Young People Waiting To Marry – Why? Top Reasons
According to the latest census data, the percentage of adults in the U.S. who have never been married hits an all time high. Specifically, new data shows that more young
President Obama’s Dysfunctional Relationship With America
President Obama’s exacerbation of American Dependency by triggering anxiety through his actions remains painfully consistent, of which I have blogged about these warning signs since the onset. The dysfunctional and