Blog Posts
First Date After Divorce – 11 Tips For Men
A first date after divorce can be potentially nerve wracking. Men want tips, and I am here to offer the concrete advice those men are in need of. Imagine this
Whitney Houston’s Death: Addict or Death Wish?
Did Whitney Houston have an addiction, therefore mental illness? Or, a different un-diagnosed/diagnosed problem and used prescription and/or illegal drugs and alcohol as medication to numb, cope with, and or
New Hampshire Boy Shoots Himself- FOX Boston Interview
14 year old New Hampshire boy shoots himself in the face in school cafeteria! This is the reality of a true story discussed on FOX 25 News Boston that no
National Marriage Week- Christian Post Interview
The Christian Post interviewed this marriage expert- Dr. Karen Ruskin, to discuss National Marriage Week; February 7-14th. During this interview with Katherine Weber I shared my marital philosophy; water the
Nagging Kills Marriages: Expert’s Solutions on FOX & Friends
Nagging is the reported #1 marriage killer? Really? This statement concerns and disturbs this marriage expert. I disagree with the label inferring nagging kills! Nagging in and of itself is not
Demi Moore’s Hospitalization: Exhaustion a Real Diagnosis?
With Demi Moore’s hospitalization reported by her publicist due to exhaustion, many ask; is “exhaustion” really a diagnosis? The term exhaustion in and of itself is not a diagnosis in
Gingrich Vs. Romney: A Man’s Character and Marriage
A major focus on the news of late has been whether or not Gingrich’s marital life choices should be of relevancy to the voter, more so the question looked at
Does the Web Make You Mean?
Mean behind the protection of the computer screen- that is a far too common behavior that hurts not just the recipient, but the person who types these ugly words, as
Is Divorce Deadly? The Christian Post Interviews Dr. Karen Ruskin
A new study connecting divorce and one’s physical health suggesting it is such a powerful trauma that leads to the question; “Is Divorce Deadly”, led The Christian Post to interview