Blog Posts

Dating Post Divorce – Dating Website Features Dr. Karen Ruskin featured Relationship Expert Dr. Karen Ruskin in an article entitled; Dating Post Divorce. Pulling together advice from various sources in this one concise article by Christian Craig, you will
Marco Rubio Drinks Water – Observational Psychoanalytical Humor
Marco Rubio drinks water during his rebuttal to the State Of The Union Address, LIVE on air! Observational humor and analysis from the mind of Psychotherapist Dr. Karen Ruskin. Talking
My Spouse Is Overweight! Relationship Expert Offers Tips
If your spouse is overweight, or if you are the one overweight- this is not an uncommon problem. As a marriage therapist and relationship expert I see time and time
Accomplishing Your Goals – The Dream Achiever
Is it truly possible to accomplish your goals? Can you shift from dreamer to dream achiever? As a psychotherapist, professionally and personally I will state with conviction the answer is
Ask Dr. Karen – Let Go Of The Past, Long Distance Relationship, Child Hoarder Or Creative, Career Advancement
Ask Dr. Karen, the regular monthly morning Q&A segment on FOX 25 News Boston aired it’s 7th segment today; January 28th 2013. Viewers questions were answered by marriage and family
Man’s Reasons For Getting Married By Steven Crowder- Marriage Therapist Analyzes
A Man’s Top 5 Reasons For Growing Up And Getting Married – is the title of an opinion article written by Steven Crowder for FOX News. This marriage therapist analyzes
Carrie Underwood And Revenge Videos By Female Artists – Good Or Bad For Women?
Carrie Underwood released a video for her new single “Two Black Cadillacs”. Revenge videos by female artists such as this one is not the first nor will it be the last.
Health Care Improvement- It’s Not About Guns- Psychotherapist Offers 3 Step Business Plan
There has been much chatter on the news of late addressing how to improve the chances that those with mental illness get the help they need. The improvement of the
Why Now Lance Armstrong? 5 Common Motivations Behind Why We Reveal Secrets
The Boston Globe’s Health Section’s Daily Dose regular go-to Psychotherapist source Dr. Karen Ruskin shares her theory on the 5 most common motivations behind why we reveal secrets. Why now