Blog Posts

Mental Health Tips – Inspirational and Motivational – Book Signing
Mental Health Tips My book: ‘10 Seconds To Mental Health‘ I have been told by those who read it, that it is inspirational and motivational. Specifically those who read it
Parenting Wars
On FOX News Channel John Stossel’s show, he provided for a special report entitled: Grow Up: Parenting Wars. During this report, I appeared on air sharing my concerns regarding the
Free Range Parenting In The News Again Vs. Helicopter Parents
Here we go . . . “free range parenting” is in the news . . . yet again. Free Range = Permissive Parenting “Free range”, from my perspective is simply
IS a Mismatched Libido Normal? Or a Relationship Destroyer?
As a marriage therapist and couples counselor since 1993, I will share with you that having what is termed a “mismatched libido” AKA a different sex drive from one’s mate,
What Can Be Learned About Mental Health From Germanwings?
When tragedy occurs and makes the news, as a mental health professional, I have the opportunity to share my insights. In the case of the Germanwings tragedy, FOX News Channel’s;

Germanwings Co-Pilot’s Depression
Mental Health Awareness During my interview on FOX News Channel’s The Real Story With Gretchen Carlson today, I shared my insights live, in response to the tragic story of the

Leadership – Advance In Your Career, There’s No Excuse
American Association For Marriage And Family Therapy – Leadership Keynote As the invited keynote speaker for the American Association For Marriage and Family Therapy’s Leadership Symposium in Arlington VA March
Kylie Jenner – Why Plastic Surgery?
Even celebrity gossip magazines desire therapeutic insight and wisdom from the voice of reason now and again – yes, that’s me. So, that brings us to my latest interview in
Date Ideas For Parents
For those of you who read and enjoyed my article Date Your Mate, posted on my blog as well as on the site, you may also find my latest