Blog Posts

Chaz Bono – Ban Kids From Watching? Boston Globe Interview
Go-to mental health source for Deborah Kotz, Boston Globe’s Daily Dose, is interviewed about whether kids should be banned from watching Dancing With The Stars when Chaz Bono appears.
Chaz Bono – Do Let Your Kids Watch
As a relationship expert who specializes in understanding how the dynamics between people affects who we are, it is my contention that the debate whether children should or should not
Communication 101: The Art of Conversation
Let us take a look into the basics of communication, AKA Communication 101: The Art of Conversation, from the wisdom of the top relationship expert. Although there are similarities between
Charlie Sheen “One Crazy Chapter”
This relationship expert is taking a different slant to a common story. The story of a man with 2 sides of self, is not uncommon. The women that fall in
How To Make A Marriage Last
The question of how to make a marriage last can be answered! FOX 25 News Boston’s regular mental health contributor and author of Dr. Karen’s Marriage Manual shares: a) the 3
Educate Your Children About Politics And The Presidential Election
Typically when you think of the sentence: educate your children about politics and the presidential election, most think this means to share with your children your political stance. Or perhaps,
The President And The Mental Health Of Our Society
With so much talk about who may be the next president of the United States of America, one should consider that the president we choose affects the mental health of
6 Steps to Cope With Economic Stress
Economic Stress is a challenge that is quite common for a marked amount of the population. The following are 6 steps to cope with economic stress, and the emotional struggle
Economic Crisis Affects Mental Health Questions To Consider
All forms of media have addressed that we are in an economic crisis. The words economy and stress are words that have become like the front and back of a